Healing Services

Holistic Support for Mental & Emotional Health

If you are struggling with
★ Chronic anxiety
★ Racing or negative thoughts
★ Cycles of self-sabotage
★ Self-judgment
★ Social anxiety
★ Lack of self-love
★ Lack of self-confidence

If you would like:
★ Relief from your anxiety
★ Nourishing & supportive human relationships
★ To feel confident & proud of who you are
★ To feel safe in the world
★ Spiritual / Personal growth
★ Peace of mind
★ Belonging
★ Joy & Happiness

And you are seeking:
★ A holistic alternative to mainstream mental healthcare
★ Long-lasting relief from chronic anxiety and emotional discomfort
★ Support from someone who intimately understands your struggles from personal experience

You have come to the right place!

Healing Programs to Help you Find Lasting Relief

Is it difficult for you to just exist? Chronic anxiety or discomfort in the body, coupled with racing, negative thoughts, is a symptom of nervous system dysregulation. In order to achieve a state of inner peace using 100% natural methods, you need specialized support.

If you are suffering from chronic anxiety, depression, or suicidal ideation, your nervous system is likely hardwired to be in fight, flight, freeze or fawn mode all of the time. We learn to defend ourselves from challenging feelings or experiences very early in life.

For some of us, our trauma is subtle and difficult to pinpoint, causing us to question why we feel so bad inside. This experience can create a spiral of shame, confusion, self-directed anger, and self-judgments that perpetuate depression, anxiety and suicidal urges. “What is wrong with me?

Nothing is wrong with you. You are not mentally ill, or fatally flawed. You are a human being who has survived by suppressing your authentic feelings, needs and desires. Now, as an adult, the inner dam is breaking; the reality of how you feel, who you are, and what you need to be happy is coming to the surface. It feels like you might explode.

When the source of our chronic emotional discomfort is unknown to us, we learn to fear our own bodies and selves, creating a belief that our existence is the source of our suffering. The truth is, in order to completely heal patterns of chronic depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation, we need to reconnect to our bodies and our Selves in a deeper, more intimate way than ever before.

It is possible for you to Feel Better, Naturally, using a 100% holistic path towards balance, happiness and wellness. Here are the steps that I used to find peace within myself, which I use to help my clients, based on over a decade of personal experience and training:

  1. Express your authentic feelings and needs so they can be validated
  2. Prioritize yourself and practice self-care
  3. Learn emotional intelligence so you can process your feelings safely
  4. Reset your nervous system to a calm baseline
  5. Recharge your body with nourishing, safe energy
  6. Remove energy blockages in your body that are causing build-ups of stagnant energy (which causes both depression and anxiety)
  7. Receive support from someone who understands your struggle, and knows how to help, from personal experience & using 100% holistic tools

Free Yourself from Depression & Anxiety so you can Be Yourself

To help my clients feel better, naturally, I use a variety of energetic, somatic and emotional healing modalities, and a wealth of personal experience suffering and healing from these challenges, to provide comprehensive, refreshing, empowering support to help you feel calm, free to be yourself, and happy in your body and mind on a daily basis.

I created Ethereal Ecology Healing Arts so others could have the specialized support I wish I had when I was healing naturally from chronic depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.

Get the Support You Need to Feel the Inner Peace you Deserve

Step 1: Schedule a Free 45-min “Free Yourself, Be Yourself” Introductory Session
Interested in exploring how your emotional and mental health can improve naturally? Gain insight into the root cause of your inner anguish, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation or other challenges with the help of a professional healer. This 45-min call is a complimentary opportunity to discover how you can finally feel free to be yourself.

You Are Not Alone!

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